Productivity – the optimal ratio of quality and quantity of work performed in minimal time with minimal effort.

If we take the classical concept of efficiency, then this is the ratio of the result to costs. Personal effectiveness is the speed of achieving goals in a given environment with optimal resource costs. In other words: do as much as possible, as best as possible and as efficiently as possible.

What prevents being more effective in life

You need to understand your goals and the endpoint of your actions. You can show as much as you like that you are a busy person, but if the things you do do not bring you closer to the goal, then your effectiveness tends to zero. When achieving goals, it is very important to consider the resources that you spend on getting the result you need. If there are no resources, then the efficiency will be very low.

Personal effectiveness depends on:

Personal goals

Resources spent

The usefulness of the result

Also, there is a problem with multitasking. If a person has a lot of tasks, then something like a stupor sets in, and he ceases to do anything at all. Or replaces the right thing with stress relief: goes to smoke, drink coffee, calls on the phone, opens social networks. That is, he does what is useless – something that does not solve the problem.

Every person in life has at least twenty aspects of life that cause a similar stupor and which he puts off until tomorrow, the day after tomorrow.

Performing routine tasks also affects personal effectiveness. Agree, it’s difficult to do the same thing with interest and motivation for, for example, 5 years.

Therefore, it is important to revise each of its tasks to its importance, resource cost.


For example, you can write out your tasks for the day every morning. Next, it is worth answering 3 questions:

  1. Divide your business into those that interest you, that is, those that bring significant results, and into a routine.
  2. To ask yourself a question about the routine: “Which of these is really interesting for me – that is, what is important for the result?”, “What can I do to get this done automatically, without my participation?”. When you ask questions, you find answers and solutions, and half of the routine passes away. And this means that there is more time for important matters. As a rule, routine matters need to be either automated, or delegated, or realized that some processes are simply not needed.
  3. Determine what skills are needed to solve important tasks and pump these skills.

When the answers are received, you can see two points: that these actions are not needed at all, or that these results can be obtained much faster and easier but by other means. As a rule, after this, the efficiency increases significantly.

What can I do to be more effective

Personal effectiveness depends on personal goals, resources, and the end result. Now let’s talk in more detail about this and find out what are the methods to be more effective in life.

Personal goals

To have dreams means to fill your life with some meaning. Dreaming is a very important skill in life that you need to constantly work on. It is necessary to constantly desire something and go deeper into yourself and, listening to your desires, setting goals correctly. Based on your life values. set up a goal diary in which goals for the next month, year, 3 and 5 years will be set. They must be viewed every day. So you will be very well focused on their achievement and your brain will constantly look for ways to solve them.


For each goal, a clear plan for achieving it is necessary. What is a plan? This is a breakdown of a large goal into smaller ones. If we constantly look at the main goal and see how we move towards it at a low speed, we will most likely abandon it. And smaller goals at the core of a large one help to see the result of the movement. A plan is necessary to ensure that the next step is correct. The planning skill needs to be constantly developed. it will greatly help you to be more effective in achieving great goals.

Proper time management

It will be necessary to study methods of time management or otherwise time management. Effective time management will not only allow you to work hard, but, most importantly, do a lot of work. When you begin to manage your time, you will understand that this is not the same at all.

Money management

You need to learn how to manage money or learn all the basics of financial literacy in order to be able to earn, save and invest money, thereby increasing your assets and reducing liabilities. Each person needs to have at least 3 good sources of income in order to live in comfort and not be afraid for their future.

How to be more effective at work

Efficiency at work is no less important than productivity in daily life. It is productivity in the performance of work tasks, a correct understanding of the company’s goals and the right approach to solving them that makes it possible to gain new skills, improve your team position and contribute to career growth.

Ways to be more effective at work

Get rid of the clutter.

Understand what prevents you from being productive. Can’t start working in any way? Set an alarm for a specific time. Spend too much time on parts? Specify goals and set time frames for their implementation. Are you worrying too much? Learn breathing exercises and other relaxing practices.

Fewer smartphones.

Gadgets are a special type of obstacle to efficiency. If you want to be productive, do not be fooled by small breaks in work to check social networks and email. If the gadget is turned off, you will not be distracted by signals and you will have to spend time to get it and turn it on, which means you will use it less often.

Work on your thoughts.

If you feel negative about work, you cannot be effective. Try to think differently. If you say, “This work is so boring,” try to find what you like about it. Or start doing it differently. For example, you can “persuade” yourself to do difficult work with pleasant music.

Attack complex projects at the beginning of the day.

In the morning you are full of energy and can focus as much as possible on work.

Take minute breaks.

If you feel tired, take a short break. This is much more effective than overcoming fatigue to the detriment of work. If you are tired, you work slowly, make more mistakes and more often get distracted. Get up, walk around the room, wave your arms and legs, make inclines, take a deep breath and exhale.

Improving personal effectiveness does not just speed up the process of achieving goals, but allows you to achieve them faster than other people. This increases competitiveness, which allows access to new, better resources to achieve new, more ambitious goals even faster.